Sound Therapy

The Therapeutic Effect of Sound on the Human Body

The therapeutic effect of sound on the human body has been known and used since ancient times such as in India and Egypt as a healing frequency to promote a state of harmony in the body so that it can self heal. Sound therapy is often used as an adjunct with other therapies very effectively.
Evidence of Sound Therapy effects to support recovery from chronic illness

Fabien Maman, a renowned French musician/composer, acupuncturist, researcher and bio-energetician, noted that the biofield of human cells changed according to the pitch and timbre (tone quality) of each musical note. He also noted that the color and shape of each cell and its subtle energy transformed when exposed to a series of acoustic sounds. French physicist, Joel Sternheimer and Fabien Maman discovered that sick cells lacked flexibility and resonance; whereas healthy cells vibrated when they recognized their fundamental resonance with the sound. Maman’s cellular research showed: that cancer cells, when exposed to a series of dissonant notes, exploded, rather than vibrate and healthy ones became energized and empowered.

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor (MD)

A leading USA medical oncologist pioneered the use of sound, chanting, and music in conjunction with metal and crystal singing bowls as an adjunct to conventional medical therapy. His sound healing sessions have benefited thousands of patients. He wrote “The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness” plus several books on the power of sound to heal.

Effect of sound on the human body

Effect of sound on the human body

Sound has a deep impact on our emotions an has a powerful impact in our well-being. Our brain is able to discern sounds that make us comfortable or to sounds that make us feel unsafe. A certain range of frequencies can promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. It helps to reset the body to a state of homeostasis.

Tools used in Sound Therapy

Tools used in Sound therapy
Some of the tools, Chan uses in her practice are the gong, tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, alchemy crystal bowls, tuning forks, chimes, etc. The soothing sounds of these tools help to re-tune our brain and may be effective in helping to create new brain pathways and reactivating connections between more distant parts of the brain. Clients have reported improved sleep, less chronic pain and improved blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and a lowering of anxiety levels.

Using the Gong for Healing

  • The gong is a sacred and ancient instrument of healing, rejuvenation and transformation.

  • It produces a strong sound wave, almost tangible to the touch, which stimulates the physical body by influencing the surface of the skin and every cell. Physically, the gong releases tension and blocks in the body, it stimulates a higher functioning of the glandular and nervous system, it increases our vital life force and improves circulation.

  • Many people vouch that the sound of the gong helped to relieve neck discomfort, headaches, menstrual cramping, tightness in the chest and upper respiratory system.
  • The sound of a live gong stimulates circulation while its wide range of frequencies stimulate nerve endings and may be useful in activating recovery injuries in which nerve damage has occurred.

  • As physical distress and illness often have an emotional and stress related component as well, the gong is effective in affecting and releasing these tensions. It also works deeply on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The gong purifies and quietens the mind. It cuts through the linear mind and clears the clutter from the subconscious mind to reveal the radiant and authentic self. It has the capacity to bring us to our neutral mind that is wise and non-judgemental. It helps turn the mind to zero, a state of stillness where innate wisdom can be accessed.

What our customer says


The therapist guides the client/s to slow down their breathing and to drop into their bodies and become present to their bodies and to be in a state of acceptance regardless of what shows up for them. Resistance from the client can cause discomfort. Clients then settle into a comfortable position, often they lie down or they can be seated.
When listening to the sound waves, the soothing sounds, helps one enter a state of relaxation called alpha brain wave activity. Alpha waves are associated with deep concentration and creativity. This makes them ideal for creative endeavors, including writing and painting. Beta waves are minimized during this state, which means you become less aware of external stimuli. It is a meditative experience where you’re surrounded by soothing sounds and you feel safe, relaxed and even sleepy. Most people feel refreshed after a sound healing session as their worries are released, their emotions are regulated and their mind feels calm.
Sound baths allow you to completely immerse yourself in the experience of healing vibrations. As you listen to the music, your body relaxes, your mind lets go of thoughts and you enter into a deep a state of calm. If it is a live session, you may feel like being wrapped in a blanket or being inside a bubble of soothing and healing vibrations. It’s an acoustic sound healing journey that allows the listener to enter a meditative state and to feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, energized grounded, and focused. You might feel different mental, emotional, and physical sensations throughout the session. It could be like floating on a cloud and also possible to feel anxious, sad, angry, or confused. These feelings will pass when the session ends.
A sound bath meditation helps you focus on the present moment and clear your mind of distractions. It can help you get rid of low vibration emotions like anger and frustration. It can help you achieve deeper states of relaxation, which can lead to better sleep, reduced stress levels, and improved moods. Sound bath meditations are especially useful for people who struggle with insomnia. They also promote spiritual well-being, increase energy levels, and enhance creativity.
The effects of a sound bath last for up to an hour after the treatment has finished. Most people find that the benefits are felt within 10 minutes of starting the session. After this time, there may still be some relaxation benefits, but these fade over time. However, there are some people who report feeling better even days later. Everyone responds differently depending on their current state of health

There is no evidence that sound baths are harmful. Some people find that taking part in a sound bath has no effect at all. If the vibrations are too loud or strong, they may cause headaches if you are sensitive to noise, or if the vibrations are too loud or strong. Some experts caution against participating in sessions during pregnancy, but when offered by a trained and conscientious facilitator, sound baths are generally considered safe.

Note of caution: Use sound baths as a complement to other therapies, not as a replacement.

Sound baths is offered in a Group setting or One-to-one Session

Duration: 1 hour.

Chan also offers group sound baths for corporate wellness sessions