Dr. Hasveni Chellamuthu
Dr. Hasveni Chellamuthu is an integrative medical practitioner graduated from Dr.MGR Medical University, India and received her Bachelor degree in Homeopathic medicine and Surgery in 2012.
She has completed several courses in the field of Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine from United States and Germany.
She has been practicing integrative medicine with Functional Medicine through utilising evidence based modern science, specialised lab testing and Regulation Thermography as a part of assessment of patients to address the root cause of disease.
She also practices in the field of German biological medicine, integrative oncology, orthomolecular medicine, Homeopathy, cardiac rehabilitation and German New Medicine.

Andrea Magnani
Holistic Counselor, Facilitator in Family Constellation, Usui Method Reiki Master
Andrea Magnani is highly experienced and competent Family Constellation facilitator. Trained in several mind-body-spirit therapies, Andrea also has a thriving legal practice in his native country, Italy
According to Andrea
“the adjective “holistic” derives from the Greek “olos” which means “whole, whole, total” and the “holistic approach” consists of an “integrated” intervention, able to use different techniques and methodologies, with the sole purpose of achieving harmony and well-being of the person, considered in its entirety as a unity of body-mind-spirit. Since the middle of the last century, the development fronts of this paradigm have multiplied, finding application today in medicine, psychology, physics, philosophy, pedagogy, marketing and even in law. These two tracks of my training combined with an Integrated Method of Resolving the Conflicts in legal disputes, and applying psychological and spiritual laws in order to realize the universal values of Truth, Justice and Peace.”